17 Years of Marriage. I See.

August 21, 2018

We’ve been married for 17 years
I tell it to everyone who will listen
Trust me I am fully aware this warrants a celebration!
When times got rough during our first few years of marriage, I found myself regretting the decision to walk down that aisle. Some seasons were just hard, real hard!
Neither of us were as spiritually mature as we once thought. That was the main reason for our problems.
I look back on some of the things we argued about and wonder, WHY were we that PETTY?
Yes, It hasn’t always been easy, but without hesitation I can say it has been worth it.
Years have passed and praise God for growth.
Growth to see the qualities in you that my selfishness and even unfair expectations caused me to overlook.
What I see helps me to submit
Submission is not something you have to demand of me
I feel safe submitting to you but let me be quite clear and honest here, submission is not ALWAYS EASY for me…but your actions and heart for God lead me in that direction.
Because I see
I see how you are running hard after God,

I see your quiet strength, one that warrants my respect
I see how you allow your actions to speak louder than your words
I see your humility and your servant’s heart
I see how you treat others with the same respect regardless of their status, no partiality; how refreshing.
I see your willingness to rehearse your testimony of where God brought you from and how you freely praise him; how inspiring!
I see how you are not afraid to be yourself regardless of the disapproval of others, how freeing!
I see how you have allowed courage from the Lord to replace timidity and indecisiveness.

I see how seriously you take your role as husband and father and your willingness to share honestly about your shortcomings. We notice.

I see how you are willing to sit and watch all the corny love movies with me. I appreciate it.
I see how you are tender yet firm with me, because you know I can push hard
I see how you correct me when necessary
I see how you come back and apologize when you are the one that needed correction.
I see that I needed your goofy jokes and down to earth personality
I enjoy our late-night talks in the dark when you tell me what’s really on your heart-I’m honored to have your trust.
Your patience is astounding. I’m taking notes
I see how the Lord knew I needed you to keep me grounded and not use faith to demand what He didn’t promise

I see how you go above and beyond to make me feel special. Thank You.


Photograph by Ronald Coulter

It was foolish for me to compare you to other husbands and miss the gift in you God had given me.
We both still have many imperfections that God is working out,
But I still say this “us” thing works well.
It was just a matter of finding our rhythm,
But that’s the thing, as soon as we find our rhythm, life happens, seasons change and we have to start dancing to a different tune…AGAIN!
But even in all the uncertainty, I am glad you are my dance partner.
We don’t always find our rhythm right away, and in the process of dancing we step on each other’s toes
But eventually we get in synch, only to begin the cycle all over again. But I am here for it!
I know I have said it before, but I must say it again
Other than saying yes to Jesus
Saying yes to you has been my best yes yet!

Anika Jones

About the Author

Anika Jones

Anika Jones is a speaker and author of the book Lessons Learned Along The Way: A 40 Day Devotional. She blogs about faith and family at LivingForLater.com and posts weekly videos on her YouTube channels, Living For Later (@livingforlater) and Living Life Now (@livinglifenow). Anika loves speaking about developing intimacy with God and understanding who we are in Christ. She serves alongside her husband in ministry. They live in Illinois with their 6 children.