About Me

Hello there! I am Anika and I am definitely one of those. Passion oozes from every fiber of my being. I love to love. Sounds cheesy, I know, but I already told you that I am one of those kinds of people. Read on to find out some more interesting facts about me…

1. I love me some Jesus. I love to testify and if you hang around me long enough you may hear me bragging on the awesomeness of God, like how • He gave me a house I couldn’t afford • Healed two of my children, number 5 & 6 • Gave me a yes when I wanted to say no

2. I married a younger man…OK, not really. I was 23 while he was 22. My birthday is in April and his in August, but it’s our running joke. Nevertheless, after 18 years of marriage, I happen to love him deeply, and it still makes for a great story.

3. I have experienced the pain of two miscarriages and the joy of delivering 6 children (3 boys and 3 girls). I have both a bachelors and masters degree from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in Early Childhood Education, which I put to good use staying home with the kiddos.

4. I serve alongside my husband in a new church plant. I am also apart of Hebrews 4 Ministries an online ministry with great bible study tools.

5. I am addicted to prayer.

6. I am considered nice by most, definitely extreme by design. I am politically incorrect.

7. I take the scenic route when telling a story, but I promise if you hang on long enough, I eventually get to the punch line.

8. I have great ideas but I sometimes procrastinate. Jesus and I are working on that one.

9. I am guilty of overthinking things (refer to number 8).

10. I am originally from Jamaica. Surprise…sunshine and coconuts are two of my favorite things.

11. I did the Paleo Diet for years and recently made the switch to the Keto Diet combined with intermittent fasting.

12. I love to experiment in the kitchen.

13. I make an absolute mess when I cook. I try to clean as I go but get distracted with cooking. Go figure. (My family doesn’t always enjoy my cooking but I make them eat it anyway.)

14. I love people and enjoy talking to them—even the weird ones. I tried being otherwise but found it doesn’t suit me well, so I’m learning to be okay with being me.

15. I have traction alopecia and I am crazy enough to believe God for restoring my hair follicles even though the doctors have said otherwise.

16. A movie is considered good only if it makes me cry…more than once. Sound of Music happens to be my all time favorite.

17. I really wish I sang well. I really don’t.

18. Telling people about Jesus is my favorite past time. And if I’m not talking about Him, I’m talking about my family or some random health fact I learned on Google.

19. I became a published author shortly after my 40th birthday.

20. I love redemption stories and happy endings, that’s why I said yes to Jesus.

Feel like you know me a little more? Well good! Please continue to stop by my little corner of cyber world. And do leave a comment. Remember I love to talk to people!