Low impact workouts

November 12, 2015

Summer was good to me. There was a lot of family bonding and as an added bonus my husband and I worked out together over the summer months.  IT WAS GREAT!  Did I mention that quality time is my love language?  But then school started and our little workout party got broken up.  I told myself that even though I lost my handsome workout partner, I was going to be ok with returning to working out by myself using these YouTube videos.  After all I got the revelation that Jesus does care about my health.  But I missed a couple of days because we were all getting adjusted to the back to school schedule.   A couple of days turned into a few weeks and before I knew it, November was here and it had been whopping three months since I worked out consistently ( I stopped counting going up and down my stairs as suffice). I called one of my brothers the other day and he shared that he was just getting back into working out.  During our conversation, I made a commitment to begin working out again.   So here I am 2 weeks into getting back on track. Being one that doesn’t do well with keeping things to myself, I have decided to share with you my YouTube playlist for low impact cardio workouts.  These workouts have been great!  Don’t let the low impact part fool you, these workouts will have you working up a good sweat.  I also love the fact that these are easier on my joints.  I plan to add more videos to this playlist as I go so be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for updates.    As it stands, I am aiming to work out for 15-20minutes at least 4 times a week.  Leave me a comment and let me know if you have fallen off the workout bandwagon but plan to start up again. We can do it together!