Desperation Produces Results
It is undeniable that desperation leads to actions that often produces results. When my children want ice cream or any sweet treat for that matter; they are willing to do things that does not come naturally for most of them…clean! It is indeed a sight for sore eyes to see the six of them mobilize to get the job down, even Faith gets in the mix. My children’s desperation for something sweet gives self-motivation a whole new meaning!
The question that I have to ask myself and I ask the same of you, what are you most desperate for? Is it Jesus? Desperate people will do whatever it takes to get their desired result (JESUS)
Am I as desperate as Zacchaeus, abandoning tradition, cultural norms, and my sins and run to see Jesus?
Am I as desperate as blind Bartimaeus, yelling even louder when the crowd tries to silence me?
Am I as desperate as Jairus, falling at Jesus’ feet pleading with Him for healing?
Am I as desperate as the woman with the issue of blood, pressing through obstacles to meet Jesus?
Because the evidence is there, desperation yields results…
Salvation came to Zacchaeus’ house, a sinner. Bartimaeus the blind beggar received his sight and followed Jesus. Jairus’ DEAD daughter was brought back to life. The woman who constantly bled for 12 years was INSTANTLY healed.
I want to always have a heightened sense of desperation for God and the action to prove it.
I am desperate for more of His fire
For His presence
His power
His love
For Him
He promised that if I search for Him with my whole heart, I will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). Whole heart…desperate heart.
Are you desperate?
About the Author
Anika Jones
Anika Jones is a speaker and author of the book Lessons Learned Along The Way: A 40 Day Devotional. She blogs about faith and family at and posts weekly videos on her YouTube channels, Living For Later (@livingforlater) and Living Life Now (@livinglifenow). Anika loves speaking about developing intimacy with God and understanding who we are in Christ. She serves alongside her husband in ministry. They live in Illinois with their 6 children.