Category Archives for Jesus Talk

I didnt know I needed to be healed

I have been on quite a journey with my health and I have had to take some extreme measures.  There were things going on inside of my body that I was unaware of, things that a routine visit to the doctor didn’t catch.  My gut was in desperate need of healing and I had no idea.  I would just see the outward manifestation of an internal issue.  The problem was not on the surface, it went beyond what the eye could see.  It was not until they took extensive blood work that things began to be revealed.  There is something about the blood that reveals truth. So the Lord has been leading me and I have had to make even more extreme changes to my diet.  It is not always easy but I am beginning to see lasting results and I am motivated. Desperation has a way of creating discipline.

Isn’t this how it is with our walk with the Lord?  People can see us from the outside and we look spiritually healthy but there can be issues with our spiritual gut so to speak. Issues that we can try to veil with our nice church faces and scriptures we have memorized. Sometimes we wear a mask for so long that we even begin to fool ourselves and are totally oblivious to our need for spiritual healing.  But it is only a matter of time until these issues begin to manifest through such symptoms as pride, unforgiveness, rebellion, murmuring, and discontentment.  Once the Lord makes us aware of our issues, we may start off determined and disciplined to walk the road to deliverance. But with time we can grow weary and slip back into old habits and open the door to the enemy all over again.  I am here to remind you that the way to deliverance and healing is extreme but the end results are well worth it!    Stay the course, obey what you know to do and allow the Lord to perform the healing that He wants to do in you!






What do you do after you get your miracle?

Focusing on the miracle and forgetting about the miracle worker is problematic. God does everything for a purpose.  Every miracle should be a catalyst to draw us closer to God.  Many of us don’t hesitate to share the miracles God has done YET we refuse to surrender to Him.  The miracle is half of the story, what it does to you and how it creates change in your heart is what completes the testimony. Many times people are in desperate situations and they may need provision, healing, peace etc.  They ask for prayer and God moves and performs a miracle.  They get excited for the moment.  However with the passing of time, their pursuit of God fades and the truth is revealed; they were more interested in what God could give them and not God Himself.  What a great tragedy! I don’t want that to ever be my testimony.  After my prayers are answered and God works a miracle I want to be more on fire for Him and my pursuit of Him to be even greater! In Luke 17 :11-19 Jesus heals ten lepers but ONLY ONE came back to thank Him. How about you? Take some time to reflect on the miracles God has worked in your life.  What were the end results, did you come back more on fire and committed to serve Him or did you take the miracle and run?

Is there anything too hard for the Lord?

After many years of being barren the Lord declares that Sarah within a year’s time would have a son (Genesis 18:-10-15).  Sarah heard this, saw her circumstance and laughed silently to herself.  She asked “How could a worn out woman like me have a baby? And when my master-my husband is also so old?” (Genesis 18:12). Sarah laughed because she saw how impossible her situation was by man’s standards.  In light of her natural limitations, the promise of the Lord seemed like a big joke…unattainable to say the least. The Lord knowing all things, asked Abraham why Sarah laughed and then asks, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?”

What impossible situation are you dealing with now? What promises has the Lord made to you that contradicts the barren areas of your life? Are you doubting and laughing at these promises because you have chosen to believe and accept what you see as your final story?

God is not confined by time or any of our other limitations.  Let’s continue to ask this question when tempted to laugh and doubt, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?”  In case you were wondering, the answer is a resounding NO!  Stop laughing at what God has promised. Begin to grab a hold of it by faith, declaring it with confidence, knowing there is nothing too hard for Him!


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Continue to give, God will reward!

Do you continue to give even when you feel you have the right to receive?  This notion does not make sense in the natural, but it is the way of the kingdom of God.  Jesus demonstrated this principle on the cross, He gave His life even though HIs sinless life gave Him the right to live.  But if we take a closer look at how the cross scenario ends, we realize that when we give having the right to receive, we gain so much more in the end.  Jesus gave His life but He received the place of highest honor at the right of the father. (Philippians 2:5-11)

My question to you is, do you hold on to your right to receive or are you looking for ways to give; knowing in the end your heavenly father will reward you?

-Do you give forgiveness even without receiving the apology you think you deserve?

-Do you give your time in intercession for others even though you feel you should receive sleep?

-Do you continue to work hard behind the scenes when you think you deserve public acknowledgement and a reward for all you have done?

Here is the thing, God sees your giving and He can reward you far greater than anyone else.  For the record, I would prefer to receive my reward from the hand of God than from the hand of man.  I want to encourage you to keep giving, harvest time will come!


Pray BIG. Lessons learned from my 4 year old

My youngest son Isaiah is turning 5 in a few weeks. I have noticed that he has no limits on what he asks of us for his birthday, especially his daddy.  He has made requests for a house, a boat, an airplane and even the White House.  He is not asking for the toy versions of the aforementioned.  He wants the real thing.  His older siblings laugh at his silly requests because they know “better” they are more” mature.”  Time has taught them to ask for safe things, reasonable things, things they think they can actually get.

I would like to think I have great faith in prayer.  However there have been times in which I have played it safe with the request I bring to God, because life has “matured” me to know “better.”  But what if, what if I took Isaiah’s approach and CONSISTENLY PRAYED BIG prayers, asking big things of my big God!  My good father.  I am not talking about just asking for stuff either.

  • Pray for healing that seems impossible
  • Pray for restoring relationships that seem broken beyond repair
  • Pray for salvation for that loved one that seems so lost
  • Pray for doors to be open that you feel unqualified to walk through.
  • Pray for the ability to forgive that offense that almost destroyed you
  • Pray for provision when the economy is saying otherwise

Sometimes when we get a “no” to a prayer, we hesitate to submit another BIG request. Disappointment has a way of paralyzing us in prayer. We must not forget that if God said no, it was for our good. Do not let a previous “no” hold you back from praying for something that God will say “yes” to!  I want to encourage you to seek God so you can know His desires for you. Once He puts those desires in your heart, don’t be afraid to pray them, even if they are BIG!

Don’t get too comfortable this is not home

I don’t want to get too comfortable because this is not home.

Yes I am here but this is not my final destination.

I am on my way somewhere to spend an eternity with my creator

He has a purpose for me to accomplish as I am passing through



Lord help me to be faithful to do what you called me to

Cause getting too comfortable can distract me from what you put me here to do

The temptation is there to invest my treasures right here

And be driven by all that I can attain

But what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose His soul?

I want my daily actions to prove that I know the obvious answer.

I can live in such a way where my main focus is to satisfy this flesh

But what good is it because the end results is always a big mess

This world tries to steal my affection and sometimes my focus is not what it should be

I can’t look to the right or the left

Lord help me to have a steady gaze on you

Denying myself, picking up my cross and following you

Following you straight into eternity

NO, I can’t afford to get too comfortable because this is not home.


Reflection questions

  1. Do you think your focus is more on being comfortable in this life?
  2. Is heaven on your mind; or is it easy for you to get caught up in living only for now and not thinking about where you will spend eternity?
  3. How do you think your daily choices and focus would change if you lived in the reality that this is not your home, that this is not the end?
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