Encourage Others. Lesson 8 of 40

Can I keep it real with you? Sometimes I do my videos and write my blog post and wonder if it  makes sense to others. Do they get it? Did they walk away with a desire to go after Jesus? Do I sound elementary in my speech and writing? That is why I get excited when people tell me they are blessed by what God gives me to share. I love to receive encouragement from others, it serves as confirmation that what I am doing matters. We all have low points in our lives and affirming words can serve as a picker upper.

For today’s lesson, I have learned that it is not only good to receive encouragement, but it is also good to give it. I am learning to not become silent when it’s time to dish out words of affirmation. Sometimes we can keep our admiration and appreciation for others in our head and we never let them know. How unfair! If someone blesses me, I try to be intentional about telling them. I want to encourage you to be intentional about encouraging those God has put in your life. Encourage them in their gifts and calling by sharing how it blesses you! Don’t assume they know or don’t need it. How about making encouraging others a priority this week.

Be Blessed
1 Thessalonians 5:11
So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
Proverbs 16:24
Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

Anika Jones

About the Author

Anika Jones

Anika Jones is a speaker and author of the book Lessons Learned Along The Way: A 40 Day Devotional. She blogs about faith and family at LivingForLater.com and posts weekly videos on her YouTube channels, Living For Later (@livingforlater) and Living Life Now (@livinglifenow). Anika loves speaking about developing intimacy with God and understanding who we are in Christ. She serves alongside her husband in ministry. They live in Illinois with their 6 children.