Are You Still Thankful For The Manifested Promise?

December 21, 2018

I love talking to my 91-year-old Jesus loving grandmother. When I share what the Lord is doing in my life or something connected to my pursuit of Him, she begins to rejoice and rehearse a story that I have heard many times. It goes something like this, “Many years ago the Lord told me that He was going to multiply my blessings and I told Him, ‘not natural blessings Lord but spiritual blessings.’ “
The blessings she wanted from the Lord was not a bigger home or more money. Instead, she wanted to see her family members saved. Every time she sees proof, whether big or small, of that promise coming to pass, she praises God and rehearses what He promised. In a recent conversation with her, it finally struck me how powerful this was. Once God answers my prayer and His promise manifest, I rejoice. However, with the passing of time, that excitement and thanksgiving wanes. The answered prayer and promise don’t excite me as much, and I may even forget about what God did. My grandmother has tuned her heart to always sing a song of thanksgiving when she is reminded of what God has done! This fills her heart with confident hope that He is faithful and that He will do all the other things He has promised! I have also observed that she does not often complain because she is too busy thanking God for His many blessings. Her praise and keen awareness of God’s continued faithfulness is contagious and is worth imitating.

Reflection Question
Is it easy for you to forget about the promises of God that has been fulfilled? List at least three prayers that God has answered or promises that He has fulfilled. Are you still praising Him for what He did or have you become discontent because you are waiting for Him to do more?

Scripture for meditation
Deuteronomy 7:9 NIV  Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.

Anika Jones

About the Author

Anika Jones

Anika Jones is a speaker and author of the book Lessons Learned Along The Way: A 40 Day Devotional. She blogs about faith and family at and posts weekly videos on her YouTube channels, Living For Later (@livingforlater) and Living Life Now (@livinglifenow). Anika loves speaking about developing intimacy with God and understanding who we are in Christ. She serves alongside her husband in ministry. They live in Illinois with their 6 children.