Why Are You Still Holding On?

I recently read, Sands of Forgiveness.  It is a very thought provoking, well written book that pulls you in from the beginning.  I completed the book last night and could not help but to reflect on what I read. I encourage you to get a copy of this book, it is well worth it.  The following are my reflections.

Many choose to hold on to scars from the past. The pain endured from previous experience is worn as a badge of honor instead of being released. Stories of hurtful words spoken over us is on constant replay. We find ways to bring up how others hurt us in most of our conversations. If we don’t have an audience, we retreat to our minds with the same agonizing stories.

Unresolved pain distorts our vision. We can no longer see God for who He is or ourselves for who He made us. It is easy to accuse God or even question His goodness when pain is the blanket, we choose to insulate ourselves with. We allow the pain to redefine our identity. Sometimes we have operated in that false identity for so long that we forget who we really are.

We cannot erase the hurtful words or evil actions done toward us, but we can control our response. They may have tried to change our name to worthless, stupid, ugly, etc. but they should not be given the power to change who we were created to be. Reliving the past is a great way to remain in chains. Freedom is not based on my external circumstances, but it is more of an inward reality.

We have the authority to reject the lies, release the offense and move forward in our destiny. Remaining stuck in our past pain is not the only option! It is wise to make the choice to move forward, and when we do the grace of God meets us in powerful ways.

Reflection Questions: Have you settled on believing the lies and wallowing in the pain from the past? Do you often relive past pain in your conversations? I encourage you to bring it to Jesus.

Psalm 34:18 (NIV)The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Time does not stand still. Move Forward in 2016.


Time does not stand still.  Despite my dilemmas and my protest, the hands on the clock continue to move FORWARD!

It’s natural to move forward, to not be stuck. If the clock stops ticking this can mean a few things…the batteries are dead and needs to be recharged.  And if it’s an electric clock, it could have been unplugged.

RECHARGE. UNPLUGGED. DEAD.  Which one are you?

RECHARGE.  You lived life on fast forward in 2015.  You did not have time to sit and be recharged in His presence because you had life to live, bills to pay, and duties to tend to.  Pray and read His word?  Every now and then perhaps but it was not at the top of the priority list.  But here you are at the end of the year and you see the fruit of constantly being on the go and not being still.  You are depleted.  The money you hustled to get, did pay the bills but it left you spiritually bankrupt.  Yes you lived life in 2015, but it was not the abundant life you were made to live.  The duties seemed insurmountable because you didn’t have time to stop and ask for His grace and His strength.  Here you are desperately needing to be recharged!

Unplugged. The phone rings and you roll your eyes because it is one of those “I want to connect with you and see how you are REALLY doing” church people calling AGAIN. So things didn’t happen the way you thought they should in 2015. You began the year determined to be on fire for God. Determined to use your gifts for His glory. Determined to get in prayer and His word. But then life crept in, funny how often that happens…if you let it, if you chose not to fight. You are disappointed because there is only one week until the year ends and God still DID NOT answer that prayer?

For the husband you want. You cried and continued to ask, “When will it be my turn?”

For the husband you have because your marriage is falling apart.

For the children you have because training them was sometimes more than you could handle.

For the children you desperately desire to have.  You cried and continued to ask, “When will it be my turn?”

The healing.  You cried and continued to ask, “When will it be my turn?”

The job you have.

The job you want.

Whatever the prayer, the answer seemed to have eluded you. So out of spite, you unplugged. You may still show up to church but that’s about all you do…SHOW UP and checked out. UNGPLUGGED from the power source.

DEAD. Has the circumstances from 2015 knocked you down so many times that you just gave up and stopped ticking? You let your purpose DIE.  That dream DIE. You scoffed at the prophetic word because it was requiring more surrender than you were willing to give. So instead of going forward in who God has called you to be, you just plain DIED. Yes there is still breath in your body but you died a different kind of death…you stopped believing, you stopped having faith, you stopped obeying, you stopped pursuing. The real you died. This being stuck thing it can be numbing creating an odd kind of comfort.  But wake up from your slumber because you were made to live not die!

Time doesn’t stand still, so why should you? 2016 is around the corner and it is time to get RECHARGED! Time to start all over. Time to get plugged into Jesus, the ultimate power source. Time to grow up and fully embrace the fact that serving Jesus will never be convenient but ALWAYS worth it, ALL OF THE TIME! 2016 LETS GO FORWARD!





You are taking me to a place I’ve never been before
But I dont have to fear, I don’t have to fear
I must remind myself because the temptation is there
I can be confident because you have proven that you are on my side
As you lead Jesus, teach me to follow with a surrendered heart
Even when I don’t understand
Even when it means giving of myself beyond what I think is possible
Even when what you are telling me is contrary to what I want or what I think is best
Help me to have a joyful yes


There is absolutely no turning back for me
As I have put my hand to the plow, by your grace I refuse to look back
Look back to death
Look back to shame
Look back to pride
Look back to my agenda
Look back to people pleasing


You are taking me somewhere
I know
I don’t know how the pieces of the puzzle are going to come together
But I give you the pieces and trust you know how
I don’t know how you will word my mouth
But I will speak at your command
I hear what you are saying and if I think too hard, I become overwhelmed
Teach me not to reason but to rest
I keep my eyes on you as  you take me FORWARD!